Here I provide you some links which seem to fit into the context. Some of these are other CS/HL/HL-Mod Bots, some deal with technical subjects (coding, AI,...), some are there just for fun, some are forums/bulletin boards or have something to do with Counter-Strike or Half-Life and I find them interesting.
PODBot by CountFloyd
This is the website of original POD-Bot made by CountFloyd, on which EPB is based upon. It is really great work (the bot of
course, but also the homepage.)
botman's HPB-Bot
POD-Bot, like every other CS Bot too, is based on botman's High-Ping-Bastard engine. His website is also worth a look. There
you can download the current HPB-Bot which is suitable for many HL Mods or get the HPB-Bot Template to make your own bots for
any HL Mods which isn't supported, yet. There are also many tutorials and FAQs dealing with the subject.
Nukebox Forums
This is the official POD-Bot bulletin board. Here you can discuss about everything that has to do with Counter-Strike and
other HL-Mods and about bots for these games. In the Developer's Board you can get help if you encounter problems coding your
own bot.
MarD's GTA Modding Site
On that site MarD, the official waypointer of E[POD]bot, presents his mods for GTA3 and Vice City. I do not like GTA3, but this
MultiMod sounds very good, you should try it, if you are a GTA-fan!
He also mirrors the EPB files and has additional waypoints on his site.
The Game AI Page
These pages are dedicated to the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in games, a factor in game design which is being taken
more seriously by game developers and producers than ever before. There has been a huge increase in interest over the past
few years on the part of both game developers and game players, and I think the trend is only going to continue. They cover
just about anything, so long as it has applicability in some fashion to building better computer opponents.
"This is POXBot not PODbot. Based on PODbot v2.6 by Count Floyd." - Another POD-Bot 2.6 Source Code Modification by Steve++,
so it is something like a competitor for E[POD]bot. He did very good work and it propably will be as good as E[POD]bot in
some future. But I hope not :-p
Reaction time trainer
This Shockwave Flash applet is intended to test how fast you react and to train your reaction times. You have to wait until a
red dot gets a yellow color and in this moment click as fast as possible. After 5 clicks it calculates the average reaction
time and gives some scientific information.
Counter-Strike Realism-Update
CS|RU is a pack (Like the bloodpack) that will replace models, sounds, sprites etc. with more realistic/detailed ones. That's
why it is called CS Update. The foruth version of this great pack has been released recently. Although it has some weaknesses
you should try it to enhance your gaming experience.
Counter-Life is a Mod, which allows playing the Half-Life singleplayer scenario with CS-Weapons and Buy-System. In order to
get weapons, you have to pick up money from the gibs of your enemys and buy your equipment at the rechargers. It has a few
bugs and you easily run out of ammunition on the alien world xen, but overall it is very cool to play HL with these weapons.
(and it's much easier because you can shoot under water, pierce through walls, have much more health/armor than in HL and
more powerful weapons...) The new versions also support multiplayer!
Your resource for C/C++ - Many Tutorials and other stuff useful for coding C++ language. It looks very great.