E[POD]bot is a bot (AI) for the Half-Life MOD Counter-Strike, which normally does not have CPU controlled team-mates and enemies. EPB was created by LightNinja and has been started from the POD-Bot 2.6 Source-Code (by CountFloyd). It includes several bugfixes and new features.
July 29, 2006
New domain, forum and hosting for E[POD]bot are up -
http://www.epodbot.com/. Thanks to the my good friend Centry, don't forget to visit his webpage too -
The ones in http://www.bots-united.com/ will be active. But in the moments that Bots-United is down you can always go here.
I still will mainly support the EPB forum in Bots-United. So as long as Bots-United is alive visit the forum there.
Ones again thanks Centry!
March 25, 2006
Hi E[POD]bot fans. I have good news. E[POD]bot v5.2 is released with a lot bugfixses and new futures. You can grab it from the downloads section.
January 6, 2006
Hi all, we have two new logos from the our greats logos developers. The primary logo is from Baddle_Bot and the 130x130 logo is from woot woot.
December 17, 2005
Hi all, we have a new coder in to the E[POD]bot coding team. His name is Markus Heiden. With him we have maked a very good work on EPB.
So here is version 5.1 of E[POD]bot. Go to downloads to get it. Also big thanks to Baddle_Bot for creating the cool EPB banner.
April 15, 2005
Here is the long waited version 5 of E[POD]bot with full metamod support(thanks to Whistler) and some good fixes. Just check the download section.
April 15, 2005
Hi E[POD]bot fans. Yesterday I finish the new version of EPB and now I will publish it. There is good fixes. If you have a problems just post in the Bots-United forums. I just added the Credits in the Nav bar.
February 12, 2005
Time for update. Now the original site of E[POD]bot is in Bots-United server. I and LightNinja will update this site when there is something important.
September 12, 2004
The first downloadable copy of E[POD]bot IIIa is now up. See the Download section to check it out. If you can provide more mirrors please contact me.
When installing the bot MAKE SURE TO SELECT YOUR LANGUAGE for Console and Menus, since the bot will not work properly if you don't!
September 5, 2004
I think rumors already spreaded the news. I'm afraid I have to say I will not develope E[POD]bot anymore.
I didn't do any coding for more than 3 months, I just wanted some break, but then I realized I cannot do it anymore. The current version I realized (on my harddisk) is some kind of debugged Version III, supporting language selection (for now only German, French and English) and comes with a configuration tool to edit the settings of the EPB.cfg. But there are no improvements in A.I. techniques, the personality traits I tried to do did not work well and I did not succeed to implement CS 1.6 support or user customizable character types. So I will release it as Version IIIa instead of IIId.
I will still maintain this website and if someone has additions, such as waypoints or language files, please mail me. Note the new mail adress, mails sent to the old ones won't recieve me anymore. If you have questions or problems about the bot, mail me, too. I will check the mail at an weekly period. Please do not write mails to convince me to work on E[POD]bot again. Perhaps I will do bot coding in some far future, perhaps not for CS. But now I'm too busy, 'cause I'm in the last year of my school (facing A-Level exams in May 2005) and I do not get satisfying results working on the code. Actually, I am not able to spend any energy in the project, my ideas and motivation are gone.
I will not publish the soruce code to the public. I think it's just screwed up, I just hacked around everywhere. It's a mess, I think. But if someone wants to see the code because he or she thinks it can help him/her or he/she could even continue the bot, please write me a mail and I will send you the source code or set it up on a webspace for download. I just don't want everyone fooling around with my code or, even worse, someone unexperienced learning from my chaotic way of porgramming. Okay, I'm over-exaggerating it intentionally, but I hope you can understand it. Everyone who really wants to get the source code, will get it!
I hope to stay in contact with the community. I will start negotiations with the people hosting my files to get the new version up. See you!
April 2, 2004
E[POD]bot Version IIId nears completion. One year ago Version II of E[POD]bot released here at this website. Its a little annoying I did not spent more work in the project, otherwise we could have Version IV now with full customizable personality system
and CS 1.6 compatiblity and all the other features I planned but could never implement.
But I will surely continue work on E[POD]bot and not simply give up. I will ask MarD for a new Waypoint-Pack, so you can have much more fun then.
EPB v3d will support MetaMod in a new way (not tested yet, perhaps it will not work out): It auto-detects if metamod is installed (only standard-directory) and loads it automatically if it exist. So the configuration problems (+localinfo stuff etc.) belong to the past. Also there will be a multi-language support (oh f**k, still don't have many language files... if you could do some translation into your language please contact me via mail).
March 24, 2004
MarD is the first official mirror of E[POD]bot since Kain's broke down. Downloads are now available again, but we still need additional mirrors, otherwise MarD's free webspace provider will get angry due to traffice overload and shut his website down.
Version IIId of E[POD]bot, which actually will NOT support CS 1.6, will be released in approx. 2 weeks. The customizable character traits however will not be implemented, but its a smart bot ;-).
March 22, 2004
So, I didn't post any news the last few months, but still I'm alive ;-)
So I have some news, but I'm afraid I have to disappoint you...
1. The E[POD]bot files can no longer be hosted by Kain, so they are down.
Please contact me if you could mirror the files or some of them, I want to put the files up again as soon as possible.
2. I still don't have a 1.6 version of E[POD]bot. The new version for CS 1.5 works quite well, but some features have to be added and tested yet.
Unfortunately I don't have much time for the bot developing.
3. At Bots United there is a new E[POD]bot board. For problems and other talk about EPB now use that one instead of the POD-Bot board at Nuclearbox. The URL is
I will add a link to the Navbar too.