Version History
This document lists all additions, bug-fixes and changes of the different versions of E[POD]bot in an order from the newest down to the oldest version.
= Version Vc - March 25, 2006 =
Compared to EPB Version Va
- UPDATED: E[POD]bot is now ported to metamod-p 1.19 api (metamod-p.sf.net).
- ADDED: New team detection way. The models are no more used to detect teams (Now you can play mods like chikenmod without a problem).
- FIXED: Crash bug when you try to add specific bot via the epb_botmenu.
- FIXED: Crash bug when you use dedicated server console.
- FIXED: Some crash bugs on map change.
- FIXED: A bit improved the Add/remove bot system.
- FIXED: Welcome message not displaying bug.
- UPDATED: Waypoints for de_dust2.
= Version Va - December 17, 2005 =
Compared to EPB Version V beta
- FIXED: E[POD]bot now work with the new metamod api.
- FIXED: Reworked config stuff, but no new features.
- FIXED: Reworked commands. More commands should be available in different modes (client, server, main config).
- FIXED: Reworked bot creation to be more stable.
- FIXED: The bot creations names bug.
- FIXED: The source code is now more clean.
- FIXED: The crash bug when you try to edit waypoints.
- FIXED: Improved the using of some weapons - Like AK47, M4A1 etc.
- FIXED: The bug where the bots will ignore the radio commands.
- FIXED: The bug where the epb_min_bots and epb_max_bots are ignored.
- ADDED: Linux version (working makefile for linux/cygwin).
- ADDED: Client commands for path waypoint editing.
- * epb_setwaypoint - This will set the primary waypoint that will be used when editing.
- * epb_wpathmanager_create1 - This will create one way path connection from the primary waypoint to the secondary.
- * epb_wpathmanager_create2 - This will create both ways path connections from the primary waypoint to the secondary.
- * epb_wpathmanager_remove1 - This will remove one way path connection from the primary waypoint to the secondary.
- * epb_wpathmanager_remove2 - This will remove the both ways path connections from the primary waypoint to the secondary.
- ADDED: The E[POD]bot commands now use the prefix epb_ .
- UPDATED: The waypoints for the maps cs_estate and de_piranesi.
- REMOVED: The EPB cfg tool because I don't have the source code and I can't update it.
= Version V beta - August 12, 2005 =
Compared to EPB Version IVb
- FIXED: Again some changes in to the bots buying.
- FIXED: The bots now will the A* pathfinding that will improve the movements of the bots(A* has been disabled in EPB for some unknown reason).
- FIXED: The bots will use much more often the HE grenades if they have.
- FIXED: Improved the aiming of the bots(but still botaim2 is not implented).
- FIXED: Some changes in to the waypoint editor(the waypointers will suspect them.
- FIXED: Fixed the problems with the hitboxes.
- FIXED: If the bomb is droped the T bots will start search it.
- FIXED: Some other mirror fixes(I don't remember).
- FIXED: Fixed the CS 1.6 support sinse the new Steam update(Thanks to sPlOrYgOn).
- ADDED: Full Metamod support(big thanks to Whistler).
- ADDED: Full CS:CZ support.
- REMOVED: Linux support(because it's not work).
= Version IVb - April 15, 2005 =
Compared to EPB Version IVa
- FIXED: Some thinks in buy system. Now the bots don't buy the same weapon that they already have.
- FIXED: The bots sometimes start to patrol between two waypoins and stay there forever.
- FIXED: Some stuck bugs.
- FIXED: The bots sometimes shoot through TeamMates when trying to kill enemy.
- FIXED: Displaying messeges in CS 1.6 (Like Creating bot, All bots killed, ect...).
- FIXED: E[POD]bot is now 100% stable. Now there is no randomly crashes.
- FIXED: Bomb planting and defusing(Now 100% work).
- FIXED: Sometimes the bots start to shoot randomly with no enemy.
- FIXED: Stupid looking down when the bot move.
- FIXED: Bots hacking when planting the bomb.
- ADDED: The bots now pickup defuse kit.
- ADDED: Now is much more easy to edit the path between the waypoint(same way like PODbot_mm). Only with the menu.(Big parh of the code is taked from the source of PODbot_mm).
- ADDED: Linux support(not tested yet).
= Version IVa - December 08, 2004 =
Compared to EPB Version IV
- FIXED: Wrong displaying (s% dropped the bomb).
- FIXED: Buying weapons.
- FIXED: Droping shield bug.
- ADDED: Better granede trowing (Some parts of the code are taked from PodBotmm forum).
- ADDED: Better sniping and using some weapons.
= Version IV - Octomber 20, 2004 =
Compared to EPB Version IIIa
- FIXED: Sounds crash bugs (Thanks to Whistler).
- FIXED: Name and "ghost" bots problems (Thanks to Whister for adding that in,
and thanks to PMB for creating that fix).
- FIXED: Bot not shooting sometimes.
- FIXED: New weapons support bugs that showed up.
- FIXED: Bots shooting at nothing, or dead corpses.
- ADDED: Counter-Strike 1.6 support (Thanks to Whistler).
- ADDED: Suppor for CS weapon Famas and Galil (Thanks to Whistler).
= Version IIIa - September 06, 2004 =
Compared to EPB Version III (2nd)
- FIXED: Bots having problems to navigate the map and staying
at one place for a long time
- FIXED: Bots tending to move towards the target zone but then
turn around and go somewhere else.
- ADDED: EPBcfg.exe, a tool where ?ou can do all the settings
for the bot and select your language files for Chat and
- ADDED: multi-language support. Comes with chat-files for
English and German and with Menu/Console-Files for English,
German and French. Language files are plain text files which
can be translated by users. (see directories titles and chat)
- Changed the layout of the podbotmenu a little bit.
= Version III 2nd Release - September 18, 2003 =
Compared to EPB Version III
This new release replaces the Version III releases. This is not
really a new version, it just corrects some mistakes in the
release itself.
- FIXED: The cool Blue Credits-Message displayed
"Version III BETA" instead of "Version III"
- FIXED: Missing de_dust2 waypoints
- FIXED: Buggy cs_office waypoints
- FIXED: Some errors in botchat.txt
- New setup installer
= Version III - August 31, 2003 =
Compared to EPB Version IIb
- FIXED: Bots using sniper weapons would not zoom.
- FIXED: Bots would "waste money" very much
- FIXED: Bots would fire the pistol very slowly.
- FIXED: New bots joining the game would use the stats of a
previously kicked one.
- FIXED: Bot would sometimes stay in a small area and patrol
between 2 different waypoints all the time (isn't fixed
- FIXED: Bots would not properly avoid teammate's path.
- Bots will attemp to fulfill mission goals more often and do
stuff which fits to their task in the game (T/CT). They won't
camp if they are on the offensive side.
- Better combat behaviour and enemy sensing.
- Added Waypoint Editor Features to the podbotmenu.
- Fixed Waypoints of cs_siege, de_dust, de_dust2
(thanks to MarD, again).
- Added new personality system with 5 attributes: Courage,
Intelligence, Phreak, Reaction, Aim. Those are generated at the
creation of a bot and affect the behaviour and skill of the
bot. The old three personalities are now obsolete, but are
included as basic "classes"... (future versions will include
a user-customizable class-system).
The botskill.cfg (epbskill.cfg) is from this cause
abandoned. The respective values are now hardcoded.
- Bots will now try to open doors more smartly and press also the
+use button, because there are some doors which open only thru
that (e.g. on cs_zoption).
- Added UltraSkill-Mode (toggleble thru epb.cfg) for bot-skills
from 101 to 200. (does not work very well: you will gain about
10%-20% noticeable skill improvement.)
- Added commands "add_t x" and "add_ct x", where x is the number
of bots to be added to the specific team (t/ct).
- Added commands "kick_t x" and "kick_ct x", where y is the
number of bots to be kicked from the specific team.
(Both commands may not work properly if used with very high
- Some values changed, better aiming and reaction times. Some
other fixes, additions and enhancements I propably forgot.
= Version IIb - May 21, 2003 =
Compared to EPB Version IIa
- FIXED: Bug in Combat Behaviour
- FIXED: Missing liblist.gam
- FIXED: Missing zbeam6.spr
- FIXED: Metamod incompatiblity due to freaky folder name
(it now is EPODbot, not E-POD.bot)
- Added denyselect.wav file, which is played when pressing the
USE button. This one is very quiet. (Bot's press the key while
trying to unstuck)
- Tweaked Bot Hearing Distances (USE button!! but not only...)
= Version IIa - May 19, 2003 =
Compared to EPB Version II
- FIXED: Sniper/Pistol Weapon Switch Bug
- FIXED: Bug in Hostage Fix (was ineffective in some cases)
- FIXED: Bug in Bomb Planting (didn't work in some cases)
- FIXED: Bots' aim travel down as they fired and were very
inaccurate (incompatiblity of Steve++'s Fix)
- FIXED: Crash on kicking bot/s; Scary "Round Draw" Bug
- FIXED: Faulty botskill.cfg
- FIXED: Bot spent too much money on weapons an couldn't buy
armor or grenades very often.
- Tweaked aiming, reaction times, bot-chat
- New "smart" combat behaviour, affected by personality more
- Recoded 1-100 skill system and skilldisplay
- Use of radio messages can be restricted in 4 levels:
0: bots use all message
1: bots don't use Negative, Enemy down, Reporting in
2: like 1, but without Enemy spotted, Roger, In Position
3: bots use no radio messages
- Bots will attemp to fulfill mission goals more often
FOR WAYPOINTERS: On de_maps do not place only one goal
waypoint at each plant site, but several goal points inside
the planting site radius. On cs_maps do not only place one
goal in the room where the hostages are, but close to the
hostages and between them, if necessary up to one waypoint
per hostage.
- While trying to unstuck, bots will hit the USE Button several
times. This is helpful to open such door which you have to use
in order to open them or if getting stuck on/in elevators.
- Added some support for funmaps of the types AWP/AWM, AIM, FY
Will be further extended.
FOR WAYPOINTERS: On AWP and AIM maps goal waypoints mean the
weapons lying on the ground. Place them as close as possible.
On FY maps goal-points will mean buy zones (does not work yet)
- Stand-alone version. No previous bot installation required.
Will install to folder \cstrike\E-POD.bot
Filenames: EPB.dll (podbot.dll), EPB.cfg (podbot.cfg), EPBskill.cfg (botskill.cfg), EPBwpns.cfg (botweapons.cfg), EPBspray.cfg (botspray.cfg), EPBnames.txt (botnames.txt), EPBchat.txt (botchat.txt)
Waypt.-Dir:wptEPB (wptDefault)
- Included CountFloyd's POD-Bot manuals
- Include E[POD]bot FAQ
- New and updated EPBchat.txt
- Updated and optimized waypoints done by me and MarD. Of course
every PODWAY-File can be used for EPB (see notes above).
Supported maps: as_highrise, as_oilrig, as_riverside,
as_tundra, awp_map, cs_747, cs_arabstreets,
cs_assault, cs_backalley, cs_bunker, cs_desert,
cs_docks, cs_estate, cs_facility, cs_havana,
cs_hideout, cs_iraq, cs_italy, cs_mansion,
cs_militia, cs_office, cs_ship, cs_siege,
cs_station, cs_tire, cs_wpndepot, cs_zoption,
de_aztec, de_bretagne, de_cbble, de_chateau,
de_dawn, de_dust, de_dust2, de_fang,
de_foption, de_inferno, de_nowhere_x, de_nuke,
de_piranesi, de_prodigy, de_rotterdam, de_storm,
de_survivor, de_torn, de_train, de_vegas,
de_vertigo, fy_iceworld
Original waypoint authors: CountFloyd, TAZ, Mr.Muck, ISD,
Mario, Spawn, AxelRose, Psyke (only a few started from scratch)
- If waypoint editor is activated, all bots are kicked
automatically, roundtime is set to 9 minutes and timelimit is
disabled. This makes waypointing much easier.
- If you enter "waypoint on noclip" a second time, you will stay
in waypointing-mode but noclip-mode will be deactivated. So
you can switch between walk and fly without turning off the
waypoint editor.
= Version II - April 01, 2003 =
Compared to EPB Version I
- FIXED: Waypoint Editor
- FIXED: Bots won't shoot sometimes
- FIXED: Ignoring of 'patherrmsg' setting
- FIXED: Something about movement... Hard to describe...
- FIXED: Bots' aim travel up as they fired (thanks to Steve++)
- Replaced Waypoint sprites by more modern ones
- Again better combat behaviour, much better at high distance
bots slow down in combat to be more precise,...
- Added Full BotName-Support for 32 Bots (no name will appear twice)
- AWESOME Sniping !!
- Improved Pathfinding (but still some glitches)
- They are at a high skill niveau again (suffered in EPB 1)
- Raised agression levels again to get more action and fun
- Replaced "Newround" command by "Restart Map"
- Tweaked Weapon Priorities
= Version I - March 13, 2003 =
Compared to POD-Bot 2.5
(Some of these features were already done in POD-Bot 2.6 Source)
- FIXED: Bomb Planting and Defusing issues. Now works properly (nearly) everytime.
- FIXED: Bots' ability to own with short range weapons like shotguns that much, even at high range. Now they have the same problems with these weapons as normal players.
- FIXED: Terrorist Bots trying to 'use' hostages (was quite senseless in old versions of CS anyway...)
- FIXED: Now supports up to 16 bots without using a name twice.
- FIXED: Weapon Mode Menu entry #7 not selectable.
- WORKAROUND: Hostages are invulnerable to prevent HL crashing when a hostage who follows a bot is killed (applies since CS 1.3) - this can be turned off in podbot.cfg
- A Vistable provides better covering.
- Better combat behaviour (not that machine-like and n00b-like
(aiming, strafing, etc.)
- Bots reload more often.
- No skilldisplay anymore (If you want it back please just say!)
- Bots use grenades more often.
- Much better sniper usage, but still no match for a human :-(.
- Bots move more tactically. (Bug?)
- Changed buying routines, now they sometimes throw away primary weapons to buy new ones. (But they will never drop a Ak-47 to buy a Mac-10 or something like that!)
CountFloyd's POD-Bot
Now following the version history of normal POD-Bot by CountFloyd, also beginning with the newest one:
= V2.6 =
CountFloyd's comment on this version: "Unfortunately the sources aren't as cleaned up or new as I would like them to be. It's over a year old and the internal version is something like v2.6 where I just started to try out new things. I had a very much better newer version but I've lost it due to a hd-crash and missing backup. So to sum it up it might not even run properly with the latest CS and it could be very buggy."
- FIXED: Borg Mode and added extra Borg Cam
- FIXED: Misc Bugs when attacking
- FIXED: Bots switching to next Weapon when only Ammo in current Clip
- FIXED: Duck/Jumping Bug
- FIXED: About 3 MB of Memory/Resource Leaks :)
- Rewrote func type handling, especially buttons
- Aiming now affected by Enemy Velocity & Bot Turns
- Bots continue their Tasks if no direct Path to Enemy
- CT Bots low on health (or 50% Probability) guard a dropped C4
- Rewrote Startup Routines which previously caused the stupid jumping
- Smarter Grenade Usage
- Correct FOV for each Weapon & Sniping Mode
- New Zoom Switching allows better sniping weapon usage
- Changes in the Behaviour Code - Bots try to go for Cover faster
- Misc changes to the statistics system - depending on Emotions Bots may camp instead of moving to dangerous positions
- Bots don't move in Intermission
- Bots leave their camping/hiding position if they get hurt by unusual damage like drowning or gas
= V2.5 =
- FIXED: Ignoring of the BotSpray Variable
- FIXED: Wrong Gravity after turning off Fun-Modes
- FIXED: Having 2 skills when minbotskill = maxbotskill
- FIXED: Getting the Enemy instantly when being shot
- FIXED: Nasty Bug in the firing Routine which messed up Reaction Times & kept Bots from shooting sometimes
- FIXED: Resetting time to reach when being stuck causing Bots remaining stuck & doing unnecessary jumps
- FIXED: CT Bomb Spot Selection when using Experience Files
- FIXED: Bugs & Problems with linked Lists, causing Memory Leaks and random crashes
- FIXED: Bots tracking Enemies through Obstacles when camping/hiding
- FIXED: All Turns/Movements Frame Independant
- FIXED: Bugs in weapon buying on AS Maps
- FIXED: First Bot on dedicated Server not moving properly
- FIXED: Team mismatch when collecting experience
- FIXED: Para/SG550 buying Bug when weapon restriction on
- FIXED: Not dropping primary weapon for new one on the ground in extreme situations
- Optimized Player Avoidance a bit
- Major Rewrite of the debugging core
- Complete rewritten Burst Firing, now includes non-automatic weapons and distance to target
- Extended Hearing code to include Sounds like Opening Doors, Ladders and a lot more (thanks killaruna!)
- Added some more dynamic Symbols to the Chatsystem and a 'Name Humanizer'
- Extended Chatsystem to have Bots Reply to user customizeable Keywords + Bots chat with each other when spectating (heavily inspired by ParaBot from killaruna again!)
- Smarter Grenade Usage. Bots try to surprise enemies and cancel grenading if they think it won't succeed
- Movement now pretty much point precise
- Changed Bot DS CVAR and some other stuff to be more compatible to Botmaster5000
- Ladder climbing should now handle even difficult stuff
- Added Bot Weapon Mode Menu
- Removed Bugs in the Aiming Code
- Added "waypoint teleport"
- Redid Bot Task/Schedule System resulting in more careful Bots etc.
- All Radios Commands from 1.4x work again like "GetInPosition"
- Bots defend the planted Bomb and the guy who's defusing
- CT Bots "hear" the planted Bomb
- Increased Shooting Precision when using zoomed Sniper Weapon
- Each Team selects a Leader Bot which issues some basic Radio Orders
= V2.0 =
- FIXED: Bots trying to pickup things already picked up before
- FIXED: Ignoring of the MAXFOLLOW Variable
- FIXED: Radio Commands not working in dedicated Server Mode
- FIXED: Crash when deleting Waypoint Nr. 0
- FIXED: Waypoints & Path Connections not displayed after Map Change
- FIXED: Dedicated Server Commands not working after Mapchange
- FIXED: Previously broken Covered Movement
- FIXED: Previously broken hearing of Shoot & Usage Noises
- FIXED: Freezetime 100% working
- FIXED: Correct Movement Speeds also in zoomed Mode
- FIXED: Weapon Buying in AS Maps
- FIXED: Low/High Angles Aiming Bug
- FIXED: Included up/down looking at campwaypoints, which was present since V1.0 but overseen
- FIXED: Better Detection of Killer Entity
- FIXED: Diving Problems when swimming
- FIXED: Stupid Angle Bug which messed up movement sometimes
- FIXED: Bots try to avoid shooting TeamMates (doesn't apply for bad Grenading)
- FIXED: Bots can't be added if Waypoints not initialised
- Redid all the find routines
- Better Edge Avoidance
- Added Bots picking up weapons on the ground (adjustable through BotWeapons.cfg)
- Buying can be customised & personalized in BotWeapons.cfg
- Added some Teamchat Messages (Bots using Hostages etc.)
- Optimized Waypoint Selection Code (much faster!)
- Made Waypoint Selection more Team and Map dependant
- Bots use SmokeGrenades and are primitively affected
- Redid the whole Movement Code. Bots are now able to move backwards/sidewards while moving to a goal and still check for obstacles in their way
- Smarter Combat Strafing/Jumping
- Bots now have a small Task-driven Memory
- Bots buy all Items (except senseless Nightvision Goggles)
- Better enemy detection (more CPU consuming)
- Added 3 basic Bot Personalities with adjustable Weapon Preferences
- Bots above Skill 80 try to shoot seen/heard Enemies through
- Obstacles if possible and enabled in Config
- Counter Bots share a global memory of visited Bombspots
- Bots on same Team share Enemy Knowledge if they see each other
- Bots collect Map Experience about Danger Spots (can be turned off)
- Bots primitively use Buttons of all types (except cameras)
- Changed Inner Workings of Decision Logic
- Hearing Sensibility now affected by Movement Speed & own Noises
- Bots shoot back (randomly) at teammates who tried shooting them
- Added some Performance Settings to podbot.cfg
- Added some more useful console commands for configuring and helping when waypointing/debugging
- Again better Player Avoidance & Unstuck Code
- Using the original HL Engine Speech Synthesis to speak to the Host
- Added custom Compress/Decompress Routines for those otherwise much too big Experience Files
- Better blinded (Flashbang) Bevahiour
- Bots don't loose their leader when seeing Enemies
- Improved ladder climbing
- Bots shoot at dying enemies (Time based on Agression) if they don't have a new opponent
- CT Bots communicate about visited Bombspots. Humans can use
- "Sector clear" to tell them about a visited Bombspot too.
- Bots pickup things like Bomb or Weapons while following User
- Some improvements & fixes to the waypoint editor
- Added Bot Model Selection
- Added preemptive Firing (based on Agression & skill) to Fleeing/Hunting States
- Bots can be allowed to vote against disruptive Players
- Bots can be ordered (by the host) to vote for a map
- Bots Emotions/Desires are also affected by number of teammates near and current weapon
- Some additional Fun-Modes included
- Bot Agressions are affected by Roundtime & Team Goals
- Waypoint Type Selection now bound to Personality + Agression/Fear + Team
- Failed/Succesful Plans are remembered for each Team and stored in the experience files (if not turned off by User)
- Bots mostly try to get away from Grenades thrown at them
- Bots spray Logos (can be customized & turned off)
- Bots now use the correct PVS & PAS
= V1.4x =
- FIXED: Dedicated Server commands not working after "newmap"
- FIXED: Bots not shooting when enemy elevation < / > than 45 degree
- FIXED: Bots responding too fast to Radio Commands
- Added fillserver command to DS commands
- Recoded the Radio Capturing/Usage (faster & more reliable)
- Bots react on many radio commands
- Added much better Player Avoidance Code
- Bots don't pause until they've seen an enemy
- Updated FAQ & Readme (make sure to read them!)
- Added the previously missing de_foption wpt file
- Added some more localized Botchat translations
- New podbot.cfg command "botsfollowuser"
= V1.4c =
- FIXED: Bots don't going mad anymore when flashbanged
- FIXED: Hearing Bug when hiding
- FIXED: Fixed some Issues with Weapon Kickback
- FIXED: Bots keep ducking when seeing an enemy
- Added Minimum Turn Amount
- Added Noclip Option for Waypoint Editing
- Added Terrorist Bots use Hostages under certain conditions
- Implemented Proper Sniper Zooming
- Increased number of "special" waypoints from 32 to 64
- Added some more dedicated Server Commands
- Added option to turn on old (1.2) combat behaviour
- Added botskill.cfg to tweak all skills to your needs
= V1.4 =
- FIXED: Bunny Hopping of Snipers
- FIXED: Crash when adding Bots
- FIXED: BotChat Freeze on Win2K (Couldn't test this!)
- FIXED: Humanlike Combat Turning Speed
- FIXED: Several Bugs in Waypoint Editor
- FIXED: Living Bots talking to the Dead
- FIXED: Only Host can issue commands
- FIXED: Freezetime (first Round) Bug
- FIXED: Knife being used when Enemy out of range
- FIXED: Bot Chat Spamming
- FIXED: Bug in detecting Hostages
- Rewrote/optimized the Hearing Code
- Bots now hear Shots and Button Usage within their range
- Bots randomly use secondary knife mode
- Changed Waypoint Movement
- Changes in Basic Movement
- Changed Waypoint Format
- Added some stuff to the waypoint editor
- Added Camp Flags to the Editor
- Bots above Skill 60 try to stay more covered when moving
- Improved Ladder climbing up
- Added Bot User Menu
- Tweaked Reaction Time again
- Improved Enemy Detection Handling
- Bots use Zoom Mode when sniping most of the time
- Bots Hiding Behaviour improved
- Added a bunch of new commands to the Config File
- Added Randomness to Reaction Times
- Bots are able to swim now
- Updated/Replaced all Waypoint Files
= V1.2 =
- Fully compatible to CS 1.0
- Recoded all Reaction Routines
- Burst Fire implemented
- Smarter Grenade Use/Throwing
- Bots try to hide
= V1.1 =
- Fixed Player Speeds with Weapons
- Fixed VIP Speed
- Changed Damage Detection Code
- Fixed Weapon Kickback
- Extended Waypoint Menu System
- Implemented hearing Footsteps
- Modified Sniper Combat behaviour
- More weapon fixes
- Bots above skill 70 sneak when Enemy near suspected
= V1.0 =
First Public Release 27/10/2000